2015年1月8日 星期四




一、 陳前總統需要進一步增加家人互動的頻率與支持的強度,居家療養,並且需離開目前居住之環境,始能有效的改善其目前之病況。且其身心已具有嚴重障礙,目前無法自理日常生活,需全日由看護協助照顧,因此本小組認為在監獄內接受治療無法達到療效。

二、 依據陳前總統過去三年中的治療史,其中包括了在監就醫以及戒護就醫(在臺北榮總及臺中榮總)等方式,對於其疾病的療效均不理想。依其病況嚴重程度,認為以在監外治療,才能有效保障其生命健康,避免其多重退化病情,控制不好而有隨時致死危險。因此本次鑑定結果建議應以保外就醫為宜。 

三、 基於對於卸任元首以及法律的尊重,本小組建議未來陳前總統若能保外就醫時仍應有醫療小組之設置,一方面可以提供陳前總統醫療上必須之協助以及資訊,另可即時提供法務部矯正署對於陳前總統居家治療病況之掌握。





DOJ Decision

Jay Tu

DOJ announced its decision on 11:40 A.M., Jan. 5, 2015 that it has approved medical parole for President Chen FOR ONE MONTH.

The announcement cited the medical reasons and recommendation of the ad hoc medical team.  The medical reasons cited are related to his degenerative neural system which is progressively getting worse despite treatments. DOJ acknowledges that there is a strong risk that President Chen might die suddenly.  The official reason for the medical parole is that "No adequate medical treatment can be provided in the prison."

The medical team points out the reason why the treatments have not been effective is mainly due to the stress of the imprisonment.  As a former president, he has great difficulties to adjust to the imprisonment and the imprisonment condition.  The recommendations by the medical team are:

1. President Chen must leave the current imprisonment condition and go home for treatments.  He must be able to interact with his family without restrictions.  He can no longer take care of himself and needs care from full time care takers.  In other words, he cannot receive adequate treatment he needs in his current imprisonment condition.

2. According to his medical records of the last three years, no treatments have been effective to slow down the deterioration of his conditions.  Unless he is released to receive the treatment he needs, his life is in danger.  Therefore, he must be granted medical parole. 

3. By respecting him as a former president and to the rule of laws, it is recommended that a dedicated medical team be formed to provide medical advices and assistance to him.  This medical team can also help DOJ to track his medical conditions.

Finally, DOJ announces that it has set up an official guidelines on medical parole, applicable to all inmates.  DOJ lists six medical conditions qualified for medical parole.  These new guidelines will benefit many inmates suffering poor health conditions.  

Therefore, supporting the medical and human rights of President Chen also helps to support many others.

