台灣國臨時政府總召集人 沈建德
1. 世界上只有一個中國,而台灣是中國的一部分,台灣的地位不再是未定。
2. 不支持台灣獨立(何立志事後說,當場聽到的是「反對」而非「不支持」)。
3. 美軍撤出台灣後,美國將運用影響力阻止日本趁真空期進入台灣…(塗黑)。
4. 不支持在台政府(蔣介石)反攻大陸,但支持和平解決台灣問題。
Principle one. There is one China, and Taiwan is a part of China. There will be no more statements made – if I can control our bureaucracy – to the effect that the status of Taiwan is undetermined.
Second, we have not and will not support any Taiwan independence movement.
Third, we will, to the extent we are able, use our influence to discourage Japan from moving into Taiwan as our presence becomes less…….(sanitized a phrase and four lines).
The fourth point is that we will support any peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue that can be worked out. And related to that point, we will not support any military attempts by the Government on Taiwan to resort to a military return to the Mainland.
Finally, we seek the normalization of relations with the People’s Republic. We know that the issue of Taiwan is a barrier to complete normalization, but within the framework I have previously described we seek normalization and we will work toward that goal and will try to achieve it.
圖:1972年尼克森、周恩來北京密約極機密檔案解密。時間:1972.2.22午後2:10 ~ 6:00;地點:北京人民大會堂