2014年10月9日 星期四



1. 北美洲台灣人教授協會,
2. 加拿大台灣同鄉會
3. 大溫哥華台灣同鄉會

北美洲台灣人教授協會(NATPA)教授們齊聚溫哥華召開2014年會, 我們在此誠摯呼籲馬英九總統,尊重醫學專業與醫療人權,早日讓阿扁居家療養。我們不希望扁案繼續成為統治者鬥爭工具,更擔心萬一陳總統病死獄中的話,對國家社會將是難以承受的災難。

1. 20140814日,台灣北社等20民間社團共同召開『請問馬英九還要關阿扁多久?』 記者會,呼籲社會大眾關心命在旦夕的陳前總統,要求馬英九盡速讓阿扁居家治療。
2. 20140806日,針對2009-09-03壹週刊報導陳總統在帛琉開戶進行洗錢一案,特偵組偵辦5年,查無不法實據,將全案無罪簽結。
3. 20140703日,中研院廖運範等21名具醫藥背景院士連署,呼籲馬政府遵照醫囑讓阿扁居家療養。
4. 20140611日,監察委員黃煌雄公布「陳前總統醫療人權案」調查結果,建議「從醫學專業的立場,居家照護是目前陳前總統最佳的醫療措施」。完完整整的資料同時也送給總統馬英九作參考。
5. 台北地方法院於20131001 指定高雄長庚醫院神經內科主治醫師陳順勝醫師擔任鑑定人,對陳水扁身心狀況本其醫療專業進行司法鑑定。20131220日依其鑑定裁定全案停止審判。陳順勝醫師描述:其失能狀態與診斷,觀察時間遠超過半年,已可以開出「病症與失能診斷證明書」(申請聘僱外傭用)、「身障礙者鑑定表」(殘障手冊)與「重大傷病」。
6. 一手創立HRAC(Human Rights Action Center)的美籍國際人權鬥士Jack Healey,最近幾年頻頻為文表達對台灣阿扁總統的深度關切,今年開春也再度呼籲馬英九釋放阿扁總統 ("Spring in the Horse YearFree Chen Shui-bian" - 2014/02/18)
7. 前美國司法部長克拉克(Ramsey Clark) 20128月到台灣探視過阿扁後說,『台灣的未來將決定於陳水扁的健康是否恢復,否則政府將被視為謀殺者。』

A Petition to Urge President Ma-Ying-Jeou to Respect Medical Expertise and Ethics and to Return Past President Chen Shui-Bian Home for Medical Treatment

Petitioned by:
1. American Professors’ Association (NATPA) 北美洲台灣人教授協會
2. Taiwanese Canadian Association (TCA) 加拿大台灣同鄉會
3. Greater Vancouver Taiwanese Canadian Association (GVTCA) 大溫哥華台灣同鄉會

The Annual meeting of the North-American Professors’ Association (NATPA) was held on August 15-17, 2014 at Vancouver, B.C., Canada. NATPA joined Taiwanese Canadian Association (TCA加拿大台灣同鄉會), and Greater Vancouver Taiwanese Canadian Association (GVTCA大溫哥華台灣同鄉會) to urge President Ma-Ying-Jeou to respect the medical opinions and assessment and medical human rights, to release President Chen so that he may go home to receive medical treatment. We do not wish that President Chen’s case continues to be the political fighting tool of Taiwan’s political ruler. We are particularly concerned that if  President Chen dies in the jail, there would be uncontrollable disasters for Taiwan as a nation. We present some of the conditions supporting our petition in the following:

1. On August 14, 2014, Taiwan North Organization (台灣北社) and other 20 Taiwanese citizen associations and organizations together held a press conference. The conference asked: “How much longer is President Ma-Ying-Jeou going to keep President Chen in jail?” The associations and organizations urged that citizens of Taiwan be concerned with the life and health of President Chen and demanded that Ma-Ying-Jeou release Abian so that he may return home for his medical treatment.
2. On August 6, 2009-09-03 Taiwan Weekly News  (壹週刊) reported that the charge that President Chen opened an account for money laundering could not be substantiated even after 5 years of special investigation. The conclusion was that he was not guilty.
3. On July 3, 2014, fellow of the Academy Seneca (中研院), Liao Yuan-Fein, and 20 other fellows with medical expertise, signed a petition to urge Ma’s government to respect the medical diagnosis to release President Chen to return to his home for medical treatment.
4. On June 11, Member of  Control Yuan, Huang Han-Hsiun (監察委員黃煌雄) publically announced the result of the investigation of the case of Past President’s medical human rights. It recommended that: “from the medical profession’s point of view, the passport for returning him to his home is the best medical treatment for Past President Chen.” The complete investigation results were presented to President Ma for consideration.
5.  On October 1, 2013, The District Court of Taipei appointed Head Neurological physician of Chian Kuan Hospital, Dr. Chen Shuan Shun (高雄長庚醫院神經內科主治醫師陳順勝醫師), to head the judicial investigation of the physical and mental health of Chen Shui-Bian. The entire investigation was completed on December 20, 2013. Dr. Chen Shuan Shun reported that “based on the incapacitation and diagnosis, in half a year later, a certificate of symptoms and incapacitation could be issued (which is normally used for application to exit the jail), as could be the certificate of disability, and “the certificate of major illness”.
6.  In recent years, Jack Healey, human rights activist who single-handedly established the Human Rights Action Center, expressed his deep concern for Taiwan’s Abian President. He urged Ma-Ying-Jeou in the spring to release President Abian. He wrote: “Spring in the Horse Year: Free Chen Shui-bian (2014/02/18).
7.  Former Head of Justice Department of US, Ramsey Clark, visited  President Chen in August, 2012 and concluded that “Taiwan’s future will depend on the health of Chen Shui-Bian. Otherwise, the government of Taiwan may be perceived to be the murderer.”
Based on the above findings and facts, President Chen is innocent of charges and his health is in great jeopardy. He should be released immediately from the confinement so that he can return home for medical treatment. We demand President Ma act promptly.

