President Chen’s Life in Clear and Present Danger
The Volunteering Medical Team for President Chen
English translation by Jay Tu
On May 12, Dr. Chen Shun-Sheng went to Taichung Veterans
General Hospital to conduct a joint consultation session to discuss Present
Chen’s medical conditions. Dr. Chen learned that President Chen
suffered a severe case of choking, having to cough badly while crouching over a
grass patch outside of the prison cell, and coughed up several grains of
rice. Dr. Chen predicts that President Chen will have unmistaken symptoms
of difficulty swallowing in two to three months. He advised
President Chen to be cautious when eating Machi (made of sweet and sticky
rice), dumplings, chicken drumsticks, etc. Dr. Chen specifically asks the
cellmates and prison officers in Taichung Prison to master the skills of the
Heimlich maneuver and drill 999 in case the severe choking happens again. Dr.
Chen was a court appointed medical examiner for President Chen. His
diagnosis report to certify President Chen’s various illnesses was accepted by
the court as the base for suspending all KMT/Ma fabricated cases against
President Chen.
Dr. CD Kuo, another member of the volunteering medical
team and a specialist in respiratory illnesses, pointed out the danger of
difficulty swallowing, which could lead to pneumonia and suffocation. When
choked with food, one could suffocate to sudden death. In a hearing last
month at Legislation Yuan, Dr. Kuo alarmed the public about this danger. Another
great risk to President Chen’s life, according to Dr. Kuo, is accidental falls,
which could a fatal blow to his head. Due to the frontotemporal lobar
degeneration, President Chen can no longer walk without assistance. Note
that the brain degeneration was most likely caused by the inhuman condition of
his five years in solitary confinement.
至於早期即在北榮診斷的睡眠呼吸中止症,即便經過全國公認技術一流的陳記得醫師,前年12月在北榮以及去年12月在中榮,分別進行鼻部與喉部手術治療,然而根據最近一次檢查,陳總統的睡眠呼吸中止症仍然屬於重度,呼吸停止次數加上主訴呼吸不足次數每小時超過四十次,已經符合領取重大傷病卡條件。民間醫療小組判斷,此病因不只來自週邊局部的鼻部與喉部,相當比例是因為腦部的萎縮退化。另外,陳總統目前每日尿失禁次數接近40次,且使用泌尿道藥物完全無法控制,症狀持續惡化,相同道理,我們認為,尿失禁主要病因不是源自泌尿系統,仍然是來自腦部病變。 所以,陳總統目前遭受最大的生命風險是-隨時可能因嗆到而窒息,或是因走路不穩而跌倒導致頭部受傷,以及長期重度睡眠呼吸止症對腦部與心臟等重要器官的潛在傷害。
Other illnesses of President Chen include sleep apnea and
loss of bladder control. Despite two surgeries by renowned surgeon,
Dr. Chen Chi-Deh, President Chen still stops breathing over 40 times an hour
during sleep. This qualifies him as a seriously ill patient with
disabilities. The volunteering medical team suspects that the symptom of
sleep apnea is also caused by the brain degeneration, not simply the conditions
of his nose and throat tissues. Similarly, the brain degeneration could be
the main cause of his loss of bladder control, which is over 40 times a day and
can no longer be alleviated by medication. Therefore, the clear and present
dangers to President Chen’s life include choking and suffocation, blow to the
head due to accidental falls, and the sleep apnea, which could cause further
deterioration to his brain, heart, and other major organs.
One can imagine the enormous pressure imposing upon these
cellmates and prison officers who are assigned to watch over President Chen in
Taichung Prison. Can they afford the blame when the unthinkable (but clear
and present) happens? (Of course, the one to blame is Ma and his
Chinese masters.)
陳昭姿 陳總統民間醫療小組發言人
Original article in Hanji written by Janic Chen, the
spokeslady of the volunteering medical team for President Chen.
English translation by Jay Tu