2014年8月14日 星期四

支持台灣加入聯合國 連署文

支持台灣加入聯合國  連署文

(1) 加入聯合國是2300萬台灣國民的基本人權,台灣加入聯合國始能成為名實合一正常化的國家,有益於台灣內政、外交、經濟與文化…各方面之發展。
(2) 台灣加入聯合國始能享有國際安全體系的保障,確立台海兩國即台灣與中國兩國之間能互相尊重,以公義和平相處。
(3) 台灣加入聯合國始能積極參與和貢獻亞太地區以及全世界的公義、和平與安全。

I (We) Support Taiwan to Join the United Nations
I (We) fully support the position that “Taiwan is an independent Nation” and should become a full member of the United Nations (UN):
1.    Joining the UN is a basic human right of Taiwan’s 23 Million people. When Taiwan joins the UN, it will be recognized as a normal country in reality as well as in name; this will be beneficial to the Taiwanese people for all aspects of political, diplomatic, economic, and cultural developments.
2.    Once Taiwan joins the UN, its people can contribute to, and enjoy the protection of the international security system; and the countries on both sides of the Taiwan Strait (i.e. Taiwan and China) can live in peace with mutual respect and justice.
3.    Once Taiwan joins the UN, its people can actively participate in and contribute to the justice, peace and security of the Asia-Pacific region and the whole world.

˙ (Name) :____________­­­­­­­­­_____________    國籍(Nationality): _____________________
E-mail: _________________________________          
˙ (Name) :____________­­­­­­­­­_____________    國籍(Nationality): _____________________
E-mail: _________________________________ 
˙ (Name) :____________­­­­­­­­­_____________    國籍(Nationality): _____________________
E-mail: _________________________________ 
˙ (Name) :____________­­­­­­­­­_____________    國籍(Nationality): _____________________
E-mail: _________________________________ 
˙ (Name) :____________­­­­­­­­­_____________    國籍(Nationality): _____________________
E-mail: _________________________________ 

日期(Date):公元(A.D.)      (Year):   (Month):   (Day)

或郵寄: 台灣10667台北市復興南路二段173-16-1, 台灣聯合國協進會收

