2017年8月31日 星期四



(29) 於台大校友會館舉辦「台灣正名行動台日交流座談會」,由「台灣正名行動小組」主辦,台灣獨立建國聯盟、台灣國家聯盟、李登輝民主協會及台灣聯合國協進會共同發起,數十個本土社團及政黨代表出席。座談會邀請《2020東京五輪「台湾正名」推進協議会》幹事長永山英樹等人出席,台、日雙方針就台灣正名行動的經驗進行交流,並對後續正名行動之合作展開對話、凝聚共識。



座談會最後由所有發起單位共同發布「致 國際奧委會主席公開信」,呼籲國際奧會主席托馬斯.巴赫正視台灣被打壓之事實,聽見台灣的國家體育代表隊不願被打壓,希望以「台灣」之名參賽國際奧運競賽的心聲。

附件2:「致 國際奧委會主席公開信」

Let Taiwan Be Taiwan. #台灣正名產生器+ #日本東奧正名請願連署書 下載網址:https://app.kxg.io/let-taiwan-be-taiwan

附件1 共同發起單位:

附件2「致 國際奧委會主席公開信」(中英文版)

29 August 2017

Your Excellency,

An Open Letter to His Excellency, President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach

Welcome to Taiwan!

As Taiwanese citizens, we are so thrilled to be hosting the 2017 Summer Universiade. However, what remains a fly in the ointment is that as the host country and a duly participant of the international sports community, we cannot use a name that stands for who we truly are. While sports fans all over the world proudly shout out the names of their beloved teams, we have to endure the shameful feeling of calling our team, Chinese Taipei.

This name, Chinese Taipei, not only subjugates us to China, undermines our national identity, but it is outright confusing and misleading for anyone who does not know the diplomatic situation facing Taiwan.

We understand that the national Olympic committee of Taiwan came to an agreement with the IOC in 1981 to use the name Chinese Taipei, in order to participate in future Games. However, 36 years have passed. Our country has become a vibrant democracy with a growing Taiwanese identity. We believe it is time for the IOC to recognize that.

CNN reported last year that a poll conducted by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation found that 80% of respondents described themselves as Taiwanese (as opposed to Chinese). Another poll conducted by Taiwan Think Tank last year showed that only 9% of respondents agreed to use the name Chinese Taipei in foreign affairs.
As 2020 Tokyo Olympics approaches, we find the occasion best fit for us to campaign for the name change, for we were called Taiwan at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. (Chinese Taipei was unheard of at the time.)

We are preparing to launch a national petition and expecting it to have the effect of urging the national Olympic committee of Taiwan to submit a formal application to IOC for name change.

The Olympic Motto goes, “the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well." As citizens of Taiwan, we truly grasp the meaning of this motto, because we never fight to provoke or to put down any other country. We simply fight to keep our integrity and dignity.

It is our humble wish that your excellency will hear our voice and kindly offer your support.

Sincerely yours,

“Tokyo Olympics for Taiwan” Name Rectification Action Working Group

Founders of the group:
張燦鍙 Tsan Hong Chang
蔡明憲 Michael Tsay
陳南天 D. K. Dang
陳永興 Chen Yongshing
吳樹民 Shun-min Wu

致國際奧委會主席Thomas Bach先生閣下:

目前所有的國際賽事中,各國都使用自己的名字出賽。唯獨台灣在國際上遭受中國的強勢打壓,只能以矮化的「中華台北」(Chinese Taipei,簡稱TPE)作為台灣代表隊的名稱。








為了迎接2017世大運,我們準備了30餘公尺長的巨幅布條,邀請各界人士與團體共同參與,向國際發聲,說出「Taiwan is not Chinese Taipei」。讓這次因世大運關注、來到台灣的國際人士,瞭解台灣人民希望代表隊能以台灣之名參賽的願望。

同時,我們也透過此次行動,呼籲政府,將不合時宜的「中華台北」正名為「台灣」,Let Taiwan Be Taiwan

以上請求,懇請 閣下能理解,並支持台灣奧運代表隊正名。非常感謝!


